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  • Writer's pictureBremen Coyuco

The polluting life cycle of our clothes (and where we're going from here)

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

Greetings! And welcome back to our blog :) If you didn't already know, our blog will be reporting on the pollution caused by the fast fashion industry (here and here if you need some context).

With the popularity, as well as the low prices of brands like Zara and H&M, I think it's safe to say that many of you own clothing from these brands. We often forget that the clothes we wear have a lifecycle, starting from its beginnings as a raw material, all the way to its disposal, and pollution is created in each step of the cycle. Here is a good video on a t-shirt's lifecycle if you want an overview of what we're talking about.

The life cycle of our clothes can be broken down into:

  1. Raw materials

  2. Fabric production

  3. Manufacturing

  4. Distribution

  5. Laundering

  6. Disposal

Our clothing's life cycle (Edited by: Katya)

Our future posts will tackle each component of the life cycle and explore how every component produces pollutants, the science behind those pollutants, as well as the environmental and health damage those pollutants cause.

In our next few posts, we'll be discussing the pollution caused by the production of raw materials used to create our favourite clothes. These materials can be categorised into synthetic (polyester, rayon, etc.), and natural materials (cotton, leather, etc.). Do look out for

next post on the pollution involved in the production of cotton!

Yours truly,


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