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  • Writer's pictureKatya Narendratanaya

Welcome! Everything is (not) fine

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

Greetings to all visitors in this lovely domain,

We are here to inform you that everything is not fine.

Source: NBC The Good Place, edited by Katya.

For one, the fashion industry – which is dominated by fast fashion – generates more carbon emissions and wastewater pollution than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Yet, many consumers don't seem to care much about the true cost behind all of the fashionable clothes they're buying. And that is why we want to tell you all about it, and hopefully, we'll help you make more responsible purchasing decisions. Because, you know, the Earth is dying as we speak – but no pressure.

Since we'll be going on this journey together (at least for the next month or so), we thought it might be good for us to introduce ourselves.

We are Katya and Bremen, second-year undergrad students studying very different things at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I (Katya) am a Geography student, and Bremen is a Chemistry student. Despite studying different things, we are both taking an Environmental Pollution class, which is why we started this blog in the first place. We hope to be able to apply what we have learned in our respective majors to bring our readers a more holistic understanding of fast fashion's pollution problem. However, we don't want this blog to have an overly academic tone, as we aim to raise awareness to as many people as we can.

We chose to look at the fast fashion industry not only because we both like to buy clothes, but also because we've been pre-occupied with the topic in these past few weeks following the Reformation exposé. We're planning to write a whole post on this scandal, but long story short, the "green fast fashion" brand has been accused of having a racist company culture, opening up a whole can of worms about their pseudo ethical and sustainable business model.

Our next post will go into greater detail about the fast fashion industry in general, just to give you a clearer picture of what the industry is all about. We hope to catch you there!

Yours truly,

Katya and Bremen

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